To access the 2015 PA West Edinboro Open Tournament June 19-21, 2015 Player Profile Program, you will need a user ID and password. The information requested on this page will verify that you belong to a registered team.
How to use this form:
- Select the Age Group that your team is associated with.
- The Available Teams box will display those teams that have already completed registration.
- Find your Team Name in the selection box and highlight it by clicking on the name with your mouse.
- Enter your First name and Last name into the appropriate fields.
- Click "Confirm Player Info".
- If the system acknowledges that you are a player on the Roster of the team, then it will allow you to proceed otherwise it will return an appropriate message.
- Once logged in with your username and password, you will be able to access player profiles template to construct your profile.
- If you have computer problems, call the toll-free tech support phone number which is in red letters on the left side of every page.